Hardly any other composer contributes such intense force and so much of practically everything to his or her music as Vinko Globokar. Music should never be a "sterile field;" Globokar is not interested merely in producing abstract sound structures. What he – who is both a composer and an interpreter – wants to achieve with his music is to rouse people, to cause something in society to shift. Too many composers shy away from this no doubt difficult venture, simply because it is so much easier to keep one's own work "neutral" and out of everything. Maybe this is the reason why Globokar's music is so earthy, unpredictable, directly to the point. Eisenberg, for 16 instrumentalists, is based on a score that provides only a formal structure to be "filled" with sound by the musicians in accordance with certain basic rules. In Airs de voyages vers l’intérieur the performers are taken to their respective limits, and required to react to each other's. And Labour (Plowing) deals with "burying that which is on the surface, and bringing to light that which lies buried... Labour is about the formation of a musical spiral that is consistently being observed from varying distances." (Globokar) |
1CD | Instrumental | Ensemble | Orchestral | Contemporary | Special Offers |
Recommendation |
New Saxophone Chamber Music interpreted by John-Edward Kelly and Bob Versteegh. |
Strive for the greatest integration, exclude all vagaries and obfuscations. |
Focussing and magnification, concentration and expansion – these [...] diametrically opposed dynamics [...] characteristically pervade Luke Bedford’s music. |