Veress, Sándor (1907–1992) Hommage à Paul Klee (1951) A. Grau / G. Schumacher, piano duet Camerata Bern Erich Höbarth, conductor
Gaudibert, Eric (*1936) Un jardin pour Orphée (1984) Olivier Darbellay, horn Camerata Bern Erich Höbarth, conductor
Darbellay, Jean Luc (*1946) Ein Garten für Orpheus (1996) Olivier Darbellay, horn Markus Niederhauser, basset horn Camerata Bern Erich Höbarth, conductor This CD is dedicated to the opening of the PAUL KLEE MUSEUM · Bern |
1CD | Contemporary | Special Offers |
Recommendation |
Helmschrott breathes new life into an ancient, once-popular instrumental form, masterfully leading it in new musical directions with his 12 church sonatas.  |
Dance music from high-alpine regions and from the low plains, music located somewhere between Schubert, Bartok and a Young Farmers’Ball in East Tyrol.  |
The exceptional violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja not only impresses audiences and critics – she also inspires eminent composers like Kühr, Resch & Zykan.  |