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Milica Djordjevic - rocks-stars-metals-light
Price: € 16,00
WWE 1CD 40417
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Milica Djordjevic

Rdja (2015) für Ensemble 10:31 Share
Sky limited (2014) für Streichorchester 17:15 Share
The Firefly in a Jar (2007) für Kammerorchester 06:30 Share
The Death of the Star-Knower (2008/2009) für Streichquartett 15:15 Share
Quicksilver (2016) für Orchester 19:22 Share
Total Time 01:08:53
      mp3 320 kB/s
rocks-stars-metals-light 9,99 €  |  download
Milica Djordjević rocks – stars – metals – light

Rdja (2015)
for chamber ensemble
ensemble recherche

Sky limited (2014)
for string orchestra
Münchener Kammerorchester,
conducted by Clemens Schuldt

The Firefly in a Jar (2007)
for chamber orchestra
Münchener Kammerorchester,
conducted by Clemens Schuldt

The Death of the Star-Knower (2008/2009)
for string quartet
Armida Quartett

Quicksilver (2016)
for orchestra
Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, conducted by Peter Rundel
[Live Recording]
Milica Djordjević: Instrumental Music 2007 to 2016
© Manu Theobald

On Turning the Screw

‘The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.’ Isaiah Berlin, Russian-British philosopher and cultural historian, pinpointed the difference between two opposing types of human beings (including artists) by citing the Ancient Greek poet Archilochus. In one camp there are the foxes, eet of foot and adaptable, attracted by a myriad of things. In the other there are the hedgehogs: persistent, unswervingly thorough creatures, ‘who’, as Berlin puts it, ‘relate everything to a single central vision, one system, less or more coherent or articulate, in terms of which they understand, think and feel’. Milica Djordjević, a native of Serbia, is still in her early thirties: far too young to be pigeonholed. Nevertheless, judging by all she has achieved so far, she has to be on the side of the hedgehogs. She is pursuing her own, steady course with determination and great discipline; indeed her composi- tions are so clearly members of the same family, with numerous shared characteristics, that it might almost seem as though she were tirelessly writing and rewriting the same piece. On closer observation, however, this impression soon dissipates. By concentrating on a few, clearly de ned issues, by focusing on a comparatively small segment of perceptible reality she is honing our senses. She is sharpening them, training them to pick up – with the keenest accuracy – microscopic changes and alterations that are very slight to begin with but which almost always multiply dramatically as a piece progresses. Sky limited is the title of a piece for string orchestra that Djordjević wrote in 2014; although it is certainly true that, as she herself has said, she is not transposing ‘concepts’ into sound – indeed, she only ever decides on a title once a composition is nished – the image of a ‘limited sky’ is very telling. Again and again the music turns its steadfast, rigorously constrained gaze on the complicated processes within a de ned system. The scores of these works record, with utmost precision, every single thing that comes and goes and comes back again there, and how its colours modulate in the changing light. It seems that Djordjević’s imagination is focussed entirely on an interior world, on the interplay of forces within a de ned space. It is impervious to external stimuli, to impulses from the outside world. Indeed her imaginati- on obeys its own physical laws: soloistic outbursts, subjective interpolations, individual gestures – these are the exception, not the rule. Barely a sound is heard that does not actively contribute to the texture. Instead of staging ‘events’ against a more or less stable backdrop, Djordjević explores the formation of different densities and colour glazes in and on the sound of the ensemble. She explores its consistence, tests its gestural potential and paints a picture of an intensifying, multidimensional process: a process that is fuelled by immensely powerful energies. Thoughts come to mind of endlessly glowing rock from the Earth’s core forcing its way to the surface. There is always an unremitting sense of all or nothing. [...]

by Anselm Cybinski
(Translation: Fiona Elliott)

About: Milica Djordjević
© Manu Theobald
Milica Djordjević was born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1984. She studied composi- tion at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade where she also completed studies in sound direction and production as well as an additional course in electronic music.

She continued with postgraduate specialist studies at the Conservatoire National de Région de Strasbourg under Ivan Fedele (2007–2009) graduating with the highest grade and a distinction. Furthermore, between 2009 and 2010 she took part in the Cursus program at the IRCAM in Paris and was grant recipient at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris.

From 2011 to 2013 she pursued further studies under Hanspeter Kyburz at the music academy Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler.

Djordjević attended numerous masterclasses, workshops and festivals including the Akademie für Neue Musik (Munich, Germany, 2012), TICF 2012 (Bangkok, Thailand), the ISCM World New Music Days 2011 (Zagreb, Croatia), the Impuls Academy (Graz, Austria, 2011), Ars Musica (Brussels, Belgium, 2009), Festival Musica (Strasbourg, France, 2009), the 44th International Summer School for New Music (Darmstadt, Germany, 2008), the Workshop for Contemporary String Quartet Music (Blonay, Switzerland, 2008), Acanthes 2007, 2009 and 2010 (France), the International Young Composers Meeting and the International Gaudeamus Music Week 2006 (Netherlands).

Milica Djordjević received numerous international prizes, awards and honors, including the Belmont Prize for Contemporary Music of the Forberg- Schneider Foundation in 2015 and the Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik
2017. Furthermore, she was the winner of the Lucerne Festival Competition in 2013, the Berlin-Rheinsberg Composition Prize in 2013, the (composition commission) prize of Musica Femina München and the Munich Chamber Orchestra in 2013, the Tesla Prize for Youth Creativity in 2011, the inter- national TICF competition in Thailand in 2012, rst prize at the International Summer Academy Prague-Vienna-Budapest in 2005, third prize in the 12th International Young Composers Meeting Apeldoorn as well as the prize of the City of Strasbourg in 2008. She was a nalist in the Staubach Prize – International Summer School for New Music, Darmstadt in 2008 and was nominated for the April Prize of the City of Belgrade. Djordjević represented Serbia at the International Rostrum of Composers in 2010 and the World New Music Days ISCM in 2011. Furthermore, in 2008 she received a grant from the fund for young talents from the Serbian government and the Concerto Music Scholarship Fund of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation in 2012.

Her first monographic CD was published by WERGO in the Edition Contemporary Music (Edition Zeitgenössische Musik) of German Music Council (Deutscher Musikrat).

Her music is played by leading ensembles like the Arditti Quartet, the Neue Vocalsolisten, Munich’s Chamber Orchestra, ensemble recherche, Ensemble Alternance, l’Arsenale, Ensemble XII, and the Orchestre National de Lorraine. Famous performers like Luca Pfaff, Teodoro Anzelotti, Alexander Liebreich, Peter Veale, Jean Deroyer, Sylvio Gualda, Francesco Dillon and many more perform and have performed Milica Djordjević’s music.
Portrait: Milica Djordjević

A film by Johannes List.


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