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Platypus - Selected Works Vol. II
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Selected Works Vol. II

Hannes Dufek - Unstern I–IV 13:22 Share
Tamara Friebel - Yelobalkaraoke 05:28 Share
Sophie Reyer - das sad 10:26 Share
Daniel Moser - TIDE I 09:36 Share
Total Time 38:52
Digital Booklet - only with album
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Selected Works Vol. II 7,00 €  |  download
We now proudly present the second of four bundles: Selected Works Vol. II. The subtitle, “The Bittersweet,” gives you an idea of how the works on the album have been selected. Nevertheless each of the pieces should be considered in its own right.

Sunk straight into oblivion after the world premiere! This is a fate the ensemble Platypus wish to spare some of the pieces of young composers they have included in their repertoire over the past few years.
The composers
Hannes Dufek (*1984) studied composition in Vienna. His piece landschaft_    __interpretation (…) was awarded the first prize in the composition competition of the RuhrTriennale Köln. In 2012 his highly successful children’s opera MOMO oder die Legende vom Jetzt received the ASSITEJ “Stella Award” in the category “Outstanding Music.” Hannes Dufek is a co-founder of the society and ensemble Platypus and has been acting as the society’s chairman since its foundation.

Tamara Friebel (*1975), Composer and Performer. Numerous performances, including Wien Modern, the Huddersfield Contemporary Festival in the UK, ICA in London and Qubit Festival in New York. Currently living in Vienna and Graz and recently finished her PhD “Generative Transcriptions, an opera of the self’.“

Sophie Reyer (*1984) lives in Vienna and Cologne. Released already numerous books. MA in composition/musical theater 2010; diploma in “scenic writing” at uniT 2010. City of Graz award for young writers and Manuskripte sponsorship award. Studies “scriptwriting and film direction” at the Kunsthochschule für Medien in Cologne since 2011. Book award of the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture for “flug (spuren)” (2012).

Daniel Oliver Moser (*1982), MA, free-lance composer and viola player, lives in Vienna. He studied composition with Alfred Stingl (Klagenfurt), Wolfgang Liebhart and Christian Minkowitsch (Vienna); his teachers also include Georg Friedrich Haas and Tristan Murail. Moser’s compositions are performed by renowned musicians at international festivals (Musikbiennale Zagreb, ISCM World New Music Days, MDR Musiksommer, etc.). Two first prizes at composition competitions in 2009, Theodor Körner Award in 2012.
Instrumentation Platypus
Kaoko Amano, soprano
Sieglinde Grössinger, flute
Doris Nicoletti, flute
Theresia Schmidinger, clarinet
Ryuta Iwase, clarinet
Hibiki Oshima, violin
Marianna Oczkowska, violin
Yuta Takase, violin
Marie Yamanaka, viola
Tomasz Skweres, violoncello
Jaime Wolfson, piano, conductor

Guests on this release:
Manon Bncsich, piano (Reyer)
Alexander Boiadjiev, conductor (Dufek, Reyer, Moser)
Irene Frank, violoncello (Moser)
Margarethe Mayerhofer-Lischka, double bass (Moser)
Rafal Zalech, viola (Moser)
Isn’t it lovely! What terrible noise is this?
Part of the concept is to talk about these compositions. We want to revive the tradition of discussing, and exchanging views about, music. The composers are young, with varying degrees of experience, and have expressly consented to their pieces being put up for discussion.

The actual discussion will take place on Facebook and Soundcloud Feel free to join in, we’re looking forward to hearing from you!


col legno Digital

Nr. IV, "The Pondering" – fresh contemporary goods! 
Vol. III. Young artists, young music. Listen intensely! 
Vol. I from our cooperation with the ensemble Platypus: "The Wild" – young, contemporary music! 
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